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Academician Chai Liyuan of Central South University: Do a good job in the treatment of heavy metal pollution


Changsha Evening News, Changsha, November 24th (All med […]

Changsha Evening News, Changsha, November 24th (All media reporter Yue Xia correspondent Shan Ni) "I heard that I was elected as an academician, and my heart is still very calm. I am a person who works and can't raise my profile." On the 22nd, the Chinese Academy of Engineering The results of the 2019 academician election were officially announced, and Professor Chai Liyuan, dean of the School of Metallurgy and Environment of Central South University, was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Although today is the weekend, it is still a working day for Professor Chai Liyuan. He is staying in the conference room to discuss the research project application with the team teachers. "I regard the 'Academician' as an honor, and it will benefit more from our team and the platform of Central South University. It will also motivate us to work harder." Academician Chai Liyuan said in an interview with reporters.

Technology innovation "waste" turned into "resource"

In 1999, Chai Liyuan, who was studying in Japan, returned to his country, returned to his alma mater, Central South University, and led the formation of environmental engineering with metallurgy characteristics. In 2000, the Institute of Environmental Engineering of Central South University was established. For more than 20 years, Academician Chai Liyuan has struggled with the problems of "three wastes" governance. "We have to stand where the country and the industry need it most. What the country cares about, we have to pay attention to; what companies urgently need, we have to What to study. "

"Heavy metal wastewater biological agent method advanced treatment technology" "Nonferrous smelting arsenic-containing solid waste treatment and clean utilization technology" "Key technology for smelting polymetallic waste acid resource treatment" ... These technologies have won national science and technology awards, more The important thing is that it is applicable to the "low cost and good effect" of the enterprise, helping the enterprise get rid of the predicament of waste disposal, and even bringing the company facing bankruptcy "back to life".

In the scientific thinking of Academician Chai Liyuan, "waste is a resource", there is no garbage in the world, only wealth in the wrong place. The ultimate goal of each technology is not only to solve the problem of heavy metal pollution, but also to recover raw materials and realize resource recycling.

Changed with technology, he is the "Mother River Pollution Guardian of Xiangjiang River"

In the industry, Academician Chai Liyuan also has an honorary title, "Mother River Pollution Guardian of Xiangjiang River."

In 1999, Chai Liyuan, who had just returned to China, learned of a very shocking incident. The 420,000 tons of chromium slag of the original Changsha Chromium Salt Factory located in Sanjiji, Yuelu District, Changsha City, was piled on the edge of the Xiangjiang River. As the main harmful component of chromium hexavalent chromium is a carcinogen, the safety of the surrounding environment is seriously threatened. Chai Liyuan and his team struggled day and night, and finally developed a microbial treatment method that can elute most of the hexavalent chromium in the chromium slag to eliminate the environmental pollution of hexavalent chromium.

During the test at Zhuzhou Smelter, the conditions were very difficult. When observing and adjusting the flow of the agent, sulfur dioxide in the foul acid was often emitted, making the eyes unable to open, the nose running, and the throat uncomfortable. In addition to leading by example, Chai Liyuan encouraged team members to insist, "There is no hard work in scientific research! The mother river of Xiangjiang is subject to such pollution, which makes her research scientists feel embarrassed. As long as we all unite as one, not afraid of danger, we can Do something for the country. "

Cultivate a team and form a discipline of environmental engineering

"Our team has' post-50s' and 'post-90s." Chai Liyuan said that the greatest love for young people is "giving tasks", and a group of young people came up, "1 + 1> 2", which is the strength of the team .

After more than 20 years of development, the "Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention Innovation Team" led by Chai Liyuan has 41 core members, including 25 professors, and 80% of scientific researchers have overseas research experience. The team has been selected as the first batch of national innovation talent promotion plan key areas of the innovation team, the Ministry of Education Changjiang Scholars Innovation Team and the first national college Huang Danian-style teacher team.

The team-centered Central South University's environmental engineering discipline entered the top 1% of ESI worldwide in 2018, and at the same time promoted metallurgical engineering to become a national "double first-class" construction A + discipline, which has effectively promoted the cross-development of metallurgical and environmental disciplines.

Start with interest, and send a message to college students "integration of knowledge and action"

Although busy with work, Academician Chai Liyuan not only brought graduate students, but also insisted on teaching undergraduates.

He used his own growth story and wrote a confused undergraduate on the job search to start with professional interests and make a career plan. In the 1985 college entrance examination, Chai Liyuan became the first place in geography with a total score of 569 points. At that time, the Guixi Smelter of the Jiangxi Copper Group was not far from his home. I heard adults said that it was a place for gold refining. He wanted to be able to learn gold refining, which should be a good job. When filling out his volunteer, he chose the specialty of non-ferrous metallurgy out of curiosity about “extracting gold from the mud”. In his opinion, metallurgy is a magical and interesting subject. In fact, the direction of Chai Liyuan's doctoral dissertation is "gold extraction research."

"I hope that my students will learn more about the country ’s major strategies and have a family and national feeling. No matter what kind of job position they will be in the future, they will be able to convey the spirit of Central South University's" knowledge and action in one, and apply for the world. " Prof. Chai Liyuan said.

Struggling hard to walk the pollution control footprints

In the life of Academician Chai Liyuan, tiredness and dirtyness were never considered factors. Chai Liyuan led the team to build a heavy metal wastewater treatment station behind the experimental building of the National Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention Engineering Technology Research Center of Central South University. The semi-open-air site of about 200 square meters has a simple installation and was once nicknamed "simple work shed for township enterprises."

With the successful development of technology, we are also facing the dilemma of the transformation and promotion of technological achievements. In order to get the technology from the laboratory to the enterprise, Chai Liyuan always leads the team to the factory to carry out experiments. "In the beginning, we used colored strips to make roofs and set up a shed. A pretty little girl in our team came to such a laboratory and got acne in my face in a few days." Academician Chai Liyuan said with a smile, the conditions are now Improved, they developed more than 20 sets of mobile pilot equipment systems, developed the laboratory technology into a mobile container vehicle laboratory, and dragged them to the site for experimental rectification, "at least you can avoid the sun and rain."

That calm smile is reminiscent of a poem by Mao Zedong, "The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions, and the mountains and rivers are just idle." Academician Chai Liyuan said that from one pollution treatment to another pollution treatment, the motherland has gone more than half, and he will have to deal with it in the future. Xie's footprints are all over the rivers and mountains of the motherland. "As General Secretary Xi said, write papers on the ground."

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